We offer free online and in-person classes for parents and caregivers of young children
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Press the blue button to pre-register for a free class. If you need help, please email class@literacypartners.org.

Reading for Adults
One-on-one reading help for parents of young children and other adults
We focus on the basics of reading to help adults achieve their reading goals. We help parents feel more comfortable reading with their children. We also work with adults who don’t have children who want to improve their reading for other reasons. You can join a class that meets weekly online and work with a tutor one-on-one to improve your reading skills.
View flyer:
Email: kimikop@literacypartners.org

English for Parents
Group English classes for parents of young children
We provide free English classes in person, hybrid, or fully online for parents, grandparents, and caregivers of young children. Our curriculum focuses on health literacy and everyday language to support parents in advocating for the needs of their families. During online sessions, students have the opportunity of engaging in small group conversation practice with a native English-speaking partner to build their confidence.

High School Equivalency and Transition to College
Leadership development classes for young parents who plan to go to college
This program is currently for students at Bronx Community College. The weekly classes help parents ages 16 to 24 finish their High School Equivalency degrees and begin their college education. The program includes child development and parenting topics. Parents develop leadership skills they can apply to raising their children and to their own education and career.
View flyer:
Email: rosal@literacypartners.org

La Fuerza de Familias Latinas
Workshops for Spanish-speaking parents
Spanish-language workshops help parents and caregivers support their child’s early learning. Parents watch video clips from Univision’s hit telenovela, La Fuerza de Creer, and discuss important issues related to parenting.