Michael Korda with Joni Evans

Tuesday, October 30
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Rotisserie Georgette
14 E. 60th Street
New York, NY  10022

Literacy Partners Breakfast Series

Begins on October 30th with Michael Korda legendary editor in chief of Simon and Schuster for over 35 years, and author of his own bestsellers from Charmed Lives, and Power!, to Queenie, all the way to his most recent acclaimed histories. Michael has witnessed a cottage industry metamorphose into big business with colorful, often outrageous, characters (think Mad Men of Publishing).

Michael has edited the famous and the infamous: Graham Greene, Tennessee Williams, Carlos Castenada, Cornelius Ryan, Jacqueline Sussann, Harold Robbins, Will and Ariel Durant, Larry McMurtry, Cher, Kirk Douglas, Tammy Wynette, Ed Koch, Henry Kissinger, Willie Nelson, David McCullough, Mary Higgins Clark and more; seen the rise of the power agents: Mort Janklow, Swifty Lazar; published the books of presidents — seen (and done) it all…with grace, humor, brilliance, and a shrewd eye. Michael is a raconteur of the first order.

Join Us! For this conversation hosted by Joni Evans, Michael’s colleague and friend. Joni was Publisher of Simon and Schuster as well as Random House, served 13 years as Senior VP of William Morris Agency, and co-founded the websites wowOwow.com and PureWow.com. Purchase your tickets today!

For more information, contact Allison Sciplin allisons@literacypartners.org or call at (646)237-0161.